Sunday, June 28, 2009

Personal Statement

Imagine. You wake up, hot and sweating. Confused, as to why your mom is screaming. Your father rushes in and tells you to hide on the roof of your shack. Of course you've practiced this before but know what will happen if you don't hide. They spot you. At first they seem like dark shadows marching towards you, but they are men in uniform with rifles in their hands. You try to run but don't get far, there's nowhere to hide just tall grass. You lay on the ground and close your eyes, beads of sweat running down your neck and tears streaming from your face. You hear the crunching sound of grass and men speaking, telling each other to spread out. Before you can even peek you are grabbed and taken by force. You struggle and try to get loose but it seems like no use, you know where your headed but you don't know if you'll ever see your family again. This is the life of an abducted child soldier.

The longest running war is in Uganda and has lasted for 23 years. This war was cause by the leader of the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA). His name is Joseph Kony. His motive is is to overthrow the Ugandan government for religious purposes. He states, "It is not my will, it is not the will of the people, it is the will of God." Since many did not support their motives, the rebels resorted to abducting children and indoctrinating them into their ranks. Overall there have been 1.8 million people displaced from their home, of that 1.8 there have only been close to 900,000 displaced returned to their home. That still leaves nearly one million people displaced to this day. I believe that the only reason this war has been going on and still goes in is because of inaction of powerful governments who may be fully aware of the issue but do not want to interfere. With other governments interfering that may lead to the strengthening of the Ugandan government, so that the guilty are put to justice. I also strongly believe that knowledge is power and being aware of not what only happens in your neighborhood but what goes on globally. As Americans we live sheltered lives but should be aware of issues other than the choice of the white house dog. There are three ways we can help end this war.

If governments decide to assist then by doing so they can strengthen the Ugandan government. Also by assisting funds can be given to reconstruct villages and provide ways of returning children to their rightful families.

The second way of ending the war is with the action of justice. To punish all the undeniably guilty persons involved in the LRA or the assistance of the LRA. If we can find a way to put Joseph Kony behind bars then we have a better chance of breaking up the militia group.

You, have a voice. The children and families abducted have no voice. So you as a human being put in to practice the amendment of free speech and be the voice for these people. You can start by getting involved with the Invisible Children and understanding, to establish villages and make them grow you have to educate the children that can lead those villages to a brighter future.

Displace yourself. Just imagine what it might feel like to be ripped from the hands of your mother or dragged from the roof of your home. I strongly believe that we are the future and together we can make a differece but first we need to make sure that everyone does have a chance at education and a better life.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Residence Life

Im here balancing myself on a wire, "No, i can't look down, Just don't look down." I was scared, so afraid even though i secured to a harness that risk or fear still lingers and i feel myself breathing heavier and heavier. I focus on my steps and listen to my team mates and before i know it im secure on the platform. The high ropes course was one of the many activities we as summer scholars did during our stay at Scott Hall.
As Summer Scholars we have the privilage of spending a week at Scott Hall, one of the residences on the UNO campus. We stay the whole week with three other people in one dorm. We share bathrooms and eventually share more about ourselves as people and now as students at UNO.
We had to learn how to balance ourselves. Like on the High Ropes course we had to manage our fears but also learn how to manage our time and by doing so managing mounds of homework. We all encourage eachother and did our homework together. My roomates were responsible for me, as I was for them. The experience was great and it helped me learn to manage my time and to take commitments seriously.
My roomates would look out for me. One of my roomates Ebony woke me up several times when my lousy cell phone alarm wouldnt go off. either that or I would not even hear it. She would make sure i was awake so i could get breakfast and be in class on time. The least I could do for her was get her a bagel from where i work; Panera.
Luckily a friend of mine was able to cover two days of work so that i could enjoy my stay at scott hall. But the second night was difficult when i had to work and was given a lot of homework. I came home tired and nasty, but i still managed to get my reading and homework done on time, but the showering part was delayed until the next day.
Overall my stay at Scott Hall was enjoyable. I built many relationships and even started a facebook group page for the summer scholars. The friends a made will stay with me for years to come but the memories will last for much longer. Thanks to everyone for making my stay so enjoyable, and I hope that I in turn made it as enjoyable.

Friday, June 12, 2009

My first week as a college student

Busy. It's what i have been, but then again the task of learning time management is painful but in the end wort it. Right? My first week and i've already managed to miss both of my study groups and one college 101 class. I have always had difficulty managing and handling responsibility but this first week has taught me a little more about caring for my work and classes. "In the end it's all of to you." A very caring and understanding mentor said to me. She told me that i could be told by everyone to be more responsible but in the end it's all up to me.

The class that I am currently taking is English Autobiographical Reading and Writing. We were assigned a book to read written by Barrack Obama. the title of the book is Dreams of my Father. The work load for this class is not too heavy but if you fall behind its very difficult to get caught up. Everyday we are assigned one chapter to read a night and we are to have a 4 page autobigraphical peice in every monday.
I have enjoyed my time in summer scholars so far i enjoy the people in the program and i like to see the different characteristics and diversity in the group.
My teacher Helen Fountain is a wonderful teacher, she motivates me and sparks my writing interest by teaching us that with any writing piece breaking it down and learning writing styles is the best way to improve writing.
Overall this first week has been eye opening and i look forward to what is to come for me in summer scholars 09.